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Thursday, 2 January 2020

Unknown Health benefits of Avocados

Unknown Health benefits of Avocados

Health benefits of Avocados

In this article, I'm gonna share with you the amazing Avocado health benefits, nutritional facts and beauty tips. Avocado is one of the most popular super foods trending right now and it's easy to see why everyone is so fascinated with this fruit.

It's rich creamy and delicious but did you also know it's packed with 20 different nutrients and good fats. You can even use it as a moisturizer for your skin and hair. Read on to learn about the amazing health benefits of Avocados.
Here you can see Nutritions that are present in almost 100g of Avocados.
  • Vitamin K: 26% of the daily value (DV)
  • Folate: 20% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the DV
  • Potassium: 14% of the DV
  • Vitamin B5: 14% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 13% of the DV
  • Vitamin E: 10% of the DV

Health Benefits of Avocados 

They are highly nutritious 

The first benefit of Avocado is that Avocado is highly nutritious. This fruit is basically popular for its high nutritional value and can be easily added to different dishes.

Some of the healthy nutrients found in Avocado include vitamin K, Folate, Vitamin C, Potassium and Vitamins b5 and b6 as you have seen above. It also contains small traces of Manganese, Magnesium Iron, Copper, Zinc, Vitamin A, phosphorus and vitamin b1, b2 and b3. Now you know why it is known as Superfood.

Avocados are loaded with fiber. Its indigestible plant matter that can contribute to weight loss, reduces sugar spikes and is strongly linked to a lower risk of many diseases 

Great for Weight Loss

This Health Benefits of Avocado will be the favorite of most of your guys. Eating Avocados may help you lose weight. There are many studies which prove that avocados are a great weight loss friendly food.

Avocados should be present in your diet because it may help you naturally eat fewer calories and make it easier for you to stick to a healthy eating habit Avocados are a great source of fiber and contains very low carbs. So these are two different attributes that should help promote weight loss.

They're great for vision

This Health Benefit of Avocados is unknown to most of the people. Avocados contain Lutein in Zeaxanthin, that are very good for the tissues in the eyes. They also provide antioxidant protection to eyes from ultraviolet light.

The monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados also promotes the absorption of other fat-soluble antioxidants such as Beta Carotene.  

By Adding Avocados to your diet you can reduce the risk of developing age-related Macular Degeneration.

Health benefits of Avocados

Great Food at the time of pregnancy

This Health Benefit is also unknown to many people. The fact is that they're great for health during pregnancy. Just one cup of Avocados can provide almost 25% of your total recommended dose of Folate, which is important during pregnancy and also helps lower your risk of a heart attack.

It can lower blood pressure

One cup of sliced Avocados provides 20% of your daily potassium. Its almost double amount of what you can get in a banana and it also provides 10% of your daily dose of magnesium. Both of these nutrients play a crucial role in controlling blood pressure.

Potassium helps control blood pressure by relaxing your arteries and ridding the body of excess Sodium. Too much sodium leads to fluid retention which makes you bloated.

Magnesium is required for proper functioning and maintenance of nerves, muscles and bones. Avocados are very beneficial for the patients suffering from Blood Pressure problems.

Health benefits of Avocados

Benefits of Avocado for skin

Avocados have many benefits for Skin. Avocados can be used in the form of face masks because they are a neutral chemical-free way to nourish your skin. If you are looking for some natural home remedies to get clear skin then you should really consider Avocados. It is great for skincare.

They're a rich source of essential nutrients for skin such as vitamin B, vitamin E, and amino acids. Topical application of them as masks will give your skin external glow.

Procedure for making a face mask of Avocados is as follow

  • The first step is to cut your Avocado in half. 
  • After cutting your avocado, take half of the avocado and scoop it in. 
  • The third step is to pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Olive oil is very rich in vitamin E and it will help moisturize your skin as well. 
  • The fourth step is to add one tablespoon of plain yogurt. Plain yogurt is fresh and cooling. It will also help brighten up your skin. 
  • Now mash all your ingredients together and mix them well. Apply this mixture on your face and wash it off after 20 minutes.

They can reduce cholesterol

One of the Unknown health benefits of Avocados is that they can significantly reduce Cholesterol. Avocados are a great source of good fat and that's why it helps to control cholesterol.

A cup of sliced avocados provides 32% of your daily fat requirement and its monounsaturated fat which helps to lower cholesterol. This, in turn, helps lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

They can improve your digestion

Avocados are actually high in fiber with approximately 6 to 7 grams per half fruit. As it contains natural fiber, it can help prevent constipation, maintain a good healthy digestive tract and lower the risk of colon cancer.

However, the majority of the fat in the fruit is Oleic acid. Similar type of monounsaturated fatty acid is also found in olive oil. It's highly beneficial for a number of health reasons and Oleic acid is useful for reducing inflammation and have also shown signs to be beneficial on genes linked to cancer.

Health benefits of Avocados

It aids in the absorption of other nutrients

One more unknown health benefits of Avocados is that their daily consumption results in Better Nutrients Absorption.

Key vitamins like vitamins A, D and K are fat-soluble. This means they need fat to be absorbed in the body. Having Avocados in salads can aid in nutrient absorption.

Avocados for hair growth

Another benefit of Avocados is that they help in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth. They can also be used as a moisturizer for your dry or damaged hair. They were earlier used for this purpose by early Egyptians.

Osteoporosis prevention

This Unknown Health Benefit of Avocados needs to be well known because majority of people prefer medications in case of weak bones. Medications are necessary but only in some extreme cases and they are not meant for everyone unlike Avocados.

Vitamin K is essential for bone health. Half of an avocado contains almost 25 percent of the daily recommended intake of vitamin K. This nutrient is often overlooked but it's essential for bone health.

Vitamin K is often underestimated and  people prefer calcium and vitamin D over it when thinking of nutrients important for maintaining healthy bones. However, Avocados will provide you Vitamin- K in proper amount which will result in better bone health. It helps by increasing calcium absorption and reducing urinary excretion of calcium.

It can lower the risk of depression

Foods containing high levels of Folate like Avocados may help to decrease the risk of depression because folate helps to prevent the build-up of homocysteine which is a substance that can impair circulation and the delivery of nutrients to the brain. Excess homocysteine can also interfere with the production of serotonin and dopamine which regulates mood, sleep and appetite.

Health benefits of Avocados

So now let's take a look at the side effects and safety of Avocado's doze. 

Basically, they are generally safe for most people when the fruit is eaten in normal amounts and it's normally always safe when applied to the skin as long as it's not applied for more than three months.

It generally has very few side effects on the skin although some people do report mild itching. Keep in mind that Avocados contain a lot of calories. So because of the fat content, there are a few special precautions. If you're pregnant and breastfeeding then stick to the safe side by having them in limited amount. Also, if you have a latex allergy people who are sensitive to latex can have an allergic reaction to Avocados.

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