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Monday, 6 January 2020

Top 12 unknown benefits of Almonds

What are the top 12 unknown benefits of Almonds?

benefits of Almonds

Today we will share with the Top 12 health benefits of Almonds. The Almond not that you know of is actually a seed that's encased within the hard-shelled fruit of the almond tree. Almonds belonged to the prince family along with other famous table fruits like Apricots, Cherries, Plums, Peaches, and Nectarines. Almonds may be eaten on their own Raw or Toasted.

Almonds are very popular nuts, they blend in with your smoothie and curry and can be used in cakes, in puddings or they can be great for garnishing almost any kind of cuisine. Only 1 ounce of almonds contains almost 1/8th part of your daily protein requirement. Here are the most significant health benefits of eating almonds. Read till the end to see how.

1. Loaded with essential Nutrients

The first benefit of Almonds is that it has a high nutritional value. Almonds are one of the best sources of Vitamin E present on the planet. Getting proper intake of Vitamin E is very essential for many reasons such as skincare and for hair care. Almonds also contain magnesium in high quantities.

Moreover, they're rich in vitamin B, protein and amino acids. All you need to do is just give them a try and watch your physical progress. Although they are not a magical kind of thing, other facts like proper diet and exercise also play a major role in physical progress.

2. Best kind of food for Patients with Diabetes and Blood pressure

Proper intake of magnesium will result in curing Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. Researchers found that increasing the body's magnesium levels may help improve insulin resistance in diabetics.

Low magnesium levels also result in high blood pressure levels, so Almonds also help to maintain blood pressure levels.

3. You lose weight with their help

The next Benefit of Almonds is that they help in losing weight. Almonds are very beneficial when it comes to losing weight. Although they have high-calorie content but they are also loaded with healthy fats, fiber, and proteins.

Many studies have proved that they reduce the will to eat again and again. This property of Almonds directly affects the overall calorie intake of a person in a day. Eating them doesn't seem to promote weight gain.

Studies also show that almonds may help improve metabolism, reduce waist circumference and decrease body fat.

4. Promotes Digestion

Almonds are an excellent source of fiber. They may be useful for improving digestive function and promoting regular bowel movement. Almonds also have a Prebiotic effect which may help stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria and the gut.

5. Promotes Brain's Health

Also, Vitamin B that almonds contain keep your metabolism healthy to boost your brain activity. Like other nuts, Almonds are also a great food for the brain because nutrients contained in almonds help in the brain's development.

Almonds contain amino acids and oils which help your brain maintain concentration, Ayurveda believes that almonds are capable of increasing intellectual ability and focus longevity.

6. Reduces Stress

Also, almonds minimize stress. It can reduce the risk of insomnia. Almonds are especially rich in phosphorus which improves your brainpower and eyesight.

7. Beneficial for Skin Health

As we've learned already almonds contain vitamin E. Being one of the most powerful antioxidants, almonds prevent the cells of your body against premature aging. Eating four almonds a day allows your skin to stay soft and elastic, as these nuts boost the production of natural collagen in your body.

8. Reduces the risk of heart attack

It is proven in many studies that almonds are great for heart health. A significant amount of vitamin E found in these nuts reduces the risk of heart disease.

Consumption of almonds results in a reduction of C-reactive protein which basically damages arteries.

9. Make your bones strong 

Almonds are a source of calcium that prevents Osteoporosis and strengthens your bones, teeth, and muscles.

Potassium and Magnesium (which are required to have healthy bones) are present in Almonds. The habit of eating almonds every day also helps you increase bone mineral density that strengthens your skeletal system.

10. Lowers bad cholesterol 

Almonds are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and some Polyunsaturated fats, that help reduce bad cholesterol. According to studies, eating half a cup of almonds every day can lower bad cholesterol by 8 to 12%. However, if you just eat a few nuts a day it'll reduce bad cholesterol in your body as well.

Eating almonds on a regular basis can lead to mild reductions in bad LDL cholesterol potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. Bad LDL cholesterol can become oxidized which is a crucial step in the development of heart disease. Snacking on almonds has been shown to significantly reduce oxidized LDL.

Several studies have shown that consuming almonds not only helps reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in your body but also prevents it from becoming oxidized which may help lower your risk of heart disease.

11. Helps to feel better during pregnancy

In case you're pregnant you should eat a few almonds every day. Moreover, Vitamin E is necessary at the time of pregnancy. These nuts are very beneficial for both a woman and her baby, especially when the fetus is developing slower than normal.

12. Reduces the risk of cancer

American Biochemist Edwin Krebs put forward the theory that cancer is a disease of vitamin deficiency. More precisely according to him, cancer is caused by a deficiency of certain B Vitamins. Almonds are an excellent source of vitamin B and Flavonoids that lessen the risk of breast cancer. Also, these nuts are rich in Boron, which helps prevent prostate cancer.

According to a study published in the Journal of gynecologic and obstetric investigation, high consumption of almonds may help reduce the risk of breast cancer by 2 to 3 times. 

Side effects of almonds.

If you eat small quantities of almonds daily then it will not cause any side effects, however, eating lots of almonds can cause several side effects and allergies. Eating in high quantity means you're overdosing yourself. That will lead to Gastrointestinal problems such as Nausea, Abdominal pain, Diarrhea, and Constipation. It may also lead to put on weight and become obese allergy too.

The common symptoms of almond allergy can include stomach pain or Gramps, Nausea and Vomiting problems, Swallowing, Diarrhea, Itching, Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. If you are allergic to almonds, it's important to avoid any food products that may contain them. Eating 10 to 15 almonds daily is completely normal and enough for your body.


All we can say is that Almonds are highly beneficial for your body as well as mind if consumed in the right quantity. As excess of everything is bad, this principle is also appropriate for Almond's case. As we have discussed above, Excess intake of Almonds can also result in many kinds of problems.

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