Benefits of meditation
we're going to take a look at the top 15 benefits of meditation.
From a scientific perspective how exactly does meditating affect your body?
Does it really do anything?
The answer to these kinds of questions is going to be answered here in this article of Top 15 Health Benefits of Meditation.
From a scientific perspective how exactly does meditating affect your body?
Does it really do anything?
The answer to these kinds of questions is going to be answered here in this article of Top 15 Health Benefits of Meditation.
- It all starts in the brain during meditation. Brain pain tolerance power is increased and the areas related to the Depression and Anxiety are affected positively and this is proved in many studies.
- Meditation is found to improve memory, self-awareness and goal-setting.
- In a study when the brains of Buddhist monks and new meditators were compared then the brain's empathy-related region was found more pronounced in monks.
It's often seen as a
spiritual practice so it can be difficult to think of it as something
with proven scientific benefits. Meditation has a real
physical effects on your mind and body while there is still a lot of
research to do on meditation here's a little more about the impact it
can have on your health.
Top 15 Health Benefits of Meditation
Its doesn't only works on Psychological level but also on Physical level
The first benefit of meditation is still unknown to many people, that is meditation works at such potential that it changes your brain's physical shape Many studies including a study at Harvard in 2011 have proven that Meditation increases your brain's size mainly in 3 areas. The left hippocampus, which is responsible for your ability to learn as well as your ability to retain information, the Posterior Cingulate, which is involved in your ability to control your thoughts and increase concentration and the temporal parental junction, which is responsible for empathy and compassion.
Reduces Stress levels
The next benefit of meditation is it fights stress. Stress has no specified reason and can occur anywhere even in a non-stressful
situation. It can also result in panic attacks or wrong decision making.
When you feel stress you have a physiological reaction which can
negatively impact your health over the long term.
Stress can cause headaches and pains, anxiety, depression and several other physical symptoms giving your body a break from the physical effects of stress can help alleviate physical symptoms aggravated by stress.
Stress can cause headaches and pains, anxiety, depression and several other physical symptoms giving your body a break from the physical effects of stress can help alleviate physical symptoms aggravated by stress.
It also reduces bad feelings. There have been numerous studies that look
only at the effects of meditation on emotions such as stress, depression, and anxiety.
Meditation helps in quitting addictions
The benefit of meditation is that it helps you overcome bad habits. The
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex is the part of your brain that is responsible for willpower and it is already scientifically proven that Meditation helps in the growth of this part.
Those who have serious addictions like alcohol addiction and smoking addiction and want to quit that addiction then they can give Meditation a try.
It's not a magical kind of process but it helps to control the mind and doesn't let your addiction control you. Who abused alcohol can see great effects on their road to recovery with regular meditation. Stress is one of the main factors that cause people to drink and smoke. Meditation directly (by having control of mind) and indirectly (by managing stress) effects in both ways and helps a person to quit his or her addictions. Regular meditation helps combat stress and the chain reaction can help get better control over addiction issues.
Best way to increase the Concentration and Focus levels
Meditation is the best way of increasing the concentration power of a person. Concentration is required to complete any task at hand with grace. Be it a student or a professional,
concentration is a key factor to success.
Meditation is essentially a practice in concentration. Once you learn to concentrate on your breath, notice when you get caught up in thoughts and return your concentration to your breath, you can translate that skill into any number of settings you choose.
Basically, regular meditation results in better concentration and you also get used to shifting your attention back to the task at hand when it wanders in thoughts. The benefit of meditation is that it increases your ability to concentrate and focus.
Basically, this benefit of meditation is not unknown to anyone and is proven in many scientific studies. Once you started meditating daily, you will also agree to this benefit of meditation.
Meditation is essentially a practice in concentration. Once you learn to concentrate on your breath, notice when you get caught up in thoughts and return your concentration to your breath, you can translate that skill into any number of settings you choose.
Basically, regular meditation results in better concentration and you also get used to shifting your attention back to the task at hand when it wanders in thoughts. The benefit of meditation is that it increases your ability to concentrate and focus.
Basically, this benefit of meditation is not unknown to anyone and is proven in many scientific studies. Once you started meditating daily, you will also agree to this benefit of meditation.
Works also at Physiological level
The next benefit of meditation is that it is extremely healthy. A study conducted on older adults at the University of California found that meditation decreased the amount of c-reactive protein in the blood, which directly correlates with the development of heart disease. The fact that the body's inflammation is decreased by meditating is also proven in this study.
Moreover, many hypertension patients reported decreased tension levels in many studies.
In a study conducted by Elizabeth Blackburn, meditation proved to have the potential to affect a person's genetic level.
She found that meditation had an effect on your body and a genetic level. They found that meditation could protect the length of your telomeres. For those of you who don't know what telomeres are, a marker for accelerated aging. This is the evidence of our discussed benefit of meditation that is it slows down aging.
It's same as like hitting the gym can grow your muscles and increase your overall health similarly meditation is like working out your brain with extra health benefits.
Moreover, many hypertension patients reported decreased tension levels in many studies.
In a study conducted by Elizabeth Blackburn, meditation proved to have the potential to affect a person's genetic level.
She found that meditation had an effect on your body and a genetic level. They found that meditation could protect the length of your telomeres. For those of you who don't know what telomeres are, a marker for accelerated aging. This is the evidence of our discussed benefit of meditation that is it slows down aging.
It's same as like hitting the gym can grow your muscles and increase your overall health similarly meditation is like working out your brain with extra health benefits.
Meditation makes a person happier
The next benefit of meditation is that it makes you happier.
In a study conducted by Richard Davidson, electrodes were placed on the heads of monks, who practiced meditation for years. The result was simply amazing and that was Monks had Gamma waves in the amount of 30 times more than an average person.
Those who don't know What Gamma rays are? So these waves are basically related to intelligence level, compassion, controlling self and the feeling of happiness.
Another study published in 2008 in the journal of personality and social psychology by Professor Barbara Fredrickson stated that the results show that a meditation practice produces positive emotions that increased overtime as you practiced it daily.
So now you know people operating at CEO levels and many Big Entrepreneurs do not miss their daily meditation.
In a study conducted by Richard Davidson, electrodes were placed on the heads of monks, who practiced meditation for years. The result was simply amazing and that was Monks had Gamma waves in the amount of 30 times more than an average person.
Those who don't know What Gamma rays are? So these waves are basically related to intelligence level, compassion, controlling self and the feeling of happiness.
Another study published in 2008 in the journal of personality and social psychology by Professor Barbara Fredrickson stated that the results show that a meditation practice produces positive emotions that increased overtime as you practiced it daily.
So now you know people operating at CEO levels and many Big Entrepreneurs do not miss their daily meditation.
Helps to boost Immunity
actually boosts immunity. This is one of the most surprising health benefits of meditation. Stress and anxiety affect your immune system leaving you susceptible to all kinds of bacteria and viruses.
Particularly during the winter developing a regular meditation practice reduces the amount of stress-related chemicals in your body. It also
leaves you less likely to turn to unhealthy coping strategies to deal
with the stress.
Leads to Self Acceptance
The daily practice of meditation improves self-acceptance. When you meditate you become more aware of and more capable of controlling your thoughts. A key part of meditation revolves around noticing your thoughts without judging them or getting caught up in their stories or meanings.
This helps you to develop a different perspective yourself in your mind and developing a greater understanding of yourself and practice noticing your thoughts and feelings without attaching meaning or judgment to them.
This helps you to develop a different perspective yourself in your mind and developing a greater understanding of yourself and practice noticing your thoughts and feelings without attaching meaning or judgment to them.
Helps to reduce and resolve conflicts at the relationship level
It helps to improve your relationships. Meditation can help improve your relationships in two ways. First, it provides you with time to reconnect with yourself, the more relaxed grounded itself accepting you are the more you can be your best with other people. Secondly, meditation also helps develop your awareness of the stories you might hold about your relationships in addition to noticing thoughts and feelings about yourself meditation provide you with the opportunity to see stories you have about others from a different perspective as well
Adds to greater Self Confidence
self-confidence is built on the stories you have about yourself and
just as meditation helps you develop self-acceptance, it also works to
build your self-esteem. When negative thoughts or feelings about
yourself come up during meditation you practice noticing them in the
moment over time. This leaves you better able to handle negative self
talk even after the meditation session.
Increases Brain's Functionality Power
gives your brain a boost. Meditation has a huge impact on your physical health but it can also give you a mental boost by actually helping improve your brain. Studies have shown that regular meditation can help improve your ability to process the information it can also help with focus and memory. Age-related memory loss is not a matter of concern for you if you practice Meditation daily. Because it keeps the brain young in nature by avoiding stress and useless worries.
Leads to Greater Creativity
Meditation also improves creativity. This benefit of meditation is unknown to many people. Creativity is blocked by several internal and external factors. Whatever the cause is but the result is usually that you get stuck in certain thought patterns and being unable to get out of them.
That's the perfect time to meditate. Taking time to meditate is like hitting the reset button and unlocking your creativity. Meditation helps to get rid of a thought process that keeps on going on repeat mode in your mind. After meditating, one feels refreshed and the processing power of the brain is increased.
That's the perfect time to meditate. Taking time to meditate is like hitting the reset button and unlocking your creativity. Meditation helps to get rid of a thought process that keeps on going on repeat mode in your mind. After meditating, one feels refreshed and the processing power of the brain is increased.
Gives a person patience which leads to Pain Reduction
actually relieves pain. Meditation is highly recommended by experts to those suffering from chronic pain. With meditation, you come to peace with your mind as well as your body allowing the process of healing to happen faster than normal. As we all know, the amount of pain suffered is directly linked with the state of mind, so meditation is highly effective if one is suffering from any kind of pain.
Maintains Blood Pressure Levels
Meditation helps to control blood pressure. The majority of people to start
practicing meditation regularly and it actually lowers their blood
pressure so much that they can stop taking blood pressure
Altogether this is because meditation helps promote relaxation and helps improve circulation when this happens the blood vessels open up and blood flow is improved. It is a natural and effective way to help alleviate a very serious condition.
Altogether this is because meditation helps promote relaxation and helps improve circulation when this happens the blood vessels open up and blood flow is improved. It is a natural and effective way to help alleviate a very serious condition.
Best way to give time to your SELF
helps one to feel more complete the power of spending even a few
minutes a day connecting with your body and your mind is not to be
underestimated doing so produces this innate sense of well-being that
could be described as oneness, stability or self-connection in a world
where most of our time is spent focusing on external activities taking
even a few minutes to reconnect with our internal feelings and
sensations can change our experiences in life you might feel that you're
too busy for something like meditation but studies suggest that people
with jam-packed schedule stand to benefit most from meditation
the great thing is that you can meditate for as little as five to ten
minutes a day and still receive many of the amazing benefits that
meditation offers
hope that after reading this article about Various benefits of meditation, meditation will become a daily part of your day. You guys don't need to join any course or institution to practice meditation.
Many books, online videos, and articles are present on this topic which will make you clear What Meditation is actually all about? and How can you practice it on a daily basis? In the beginning even 5 to 10
minutes of meditation is enough and as the time goes and consistency is
maintained you can easily increase your practice time.
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