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Wednesday, 25 December 2019

What are the top 12 Health Benefits of Cinnamon ?

Top 12 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Today we will discuss the incredible health benefits of cinnamon. Do You know cinnamon has been used for over 4,000 years ? There's also references throughout history of cinnamon killing off and protecting people against plagues such as the Black Plague, the bubonic plague, and even the plagues referenced in the Bible in ancient Israel.

Cinnamon is a very powerful substance that has been used by people for thousands of years all over the world.

So we know today that cinnamon has an amazing ability to preserve things and help heal the body and guard the body against dangerous bacteria and pathogens and even aging. It ranks the number seven antioxidant herb on the planet, scoring a 131,000 antioxidant score. So we know it is incredibly powerful in terms of its antioxidant benefits. I want to go over some of the best ways to use cinnamon and some of the many benefits of it.

So without wasting more time let's move to the health benefits of cinnamon.

Top 12 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

1. The first benefit of Cinnamon is it is very beneficial for diabetes. In fact, a recent medical study, published from the university, UC Davis, found that supplementing with cinnamon was just as effective as taking a diabetes drug. In fact, it had a 5% effective rating on blood sugar, which is the exact same as a diabetes drug. It's the equivalent without the side effects of taking a diabetes medication. Cinnamon has great benefits for diabetics as it helps lower blood sugar levels and improves the body's sensitivity to insulin, a hormone that’s essential for keeping sugar levels stable.

2. It is an excellent source of Antioxidants.Cinnamon is considered to be the spice with the highest concentration of antioxidants. Because of this, it’s able to reduce the damage caused by free radicals in addition to slowing down aging.

3. Cinnamon also Protects the Brain. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, both of which reduce the effects of aging on the body and brain. According to research, the antioxidant properties of cinnamon help protect the brain from neurological problems, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

4. The next benefit of cinnamon is It will Protect you against Cancer. A compound called "Cinnamaldehyde", which, according to many studies, has the ability to cut the growth of cancerous tumors in addition to protecting DNA from damage. It also promotes apoptosis (self-destruction of cancer cells).

5. It is loaded with Anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon’s antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties which can help prevent heart disease, neurological diseases, and even cancer.

6. Cinnamon Protects the Heart Among the biggest villains that cause heart disease, we can reduce high Cholesterol, high levels of Triglycerides and High blood pressure. Many studies prove that cinnamon has the properties to reduce all of these.

7. It also protects your teeth. Cinnamon has proven to be very effective in protecting against bacteria that causes cavities, bad breath, and even tooth loss. Cinnamon essential oil has been shown to be even more effective and can be used as a mouthwash.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

8. Cinnamon combats Viruses and Infections very well. Cinnamon has been used by people all over the world to fight infections due to its anti-microbial, antibiotic, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Many studies have shown that cinnamon is very effective in curing Candida growth in the digestive tract. Its ability to strengthen the immune system is so great, that some studies indicate that it may be able to reduce the risk of contracting the HIV virus.

9. One of the ways I recommend you use cinnamon is for helping heal your skin or different skin conditions, especially if you have acne. We know that cinnamon has anti-microbial benefits. You can simply make face mask by adding cinnamon to the honey. By the way, cinnamon and raw honey have been used together throughout history for lots of different cures, including helping to cure a cold, but it's also effective against acne. So raw honey plus cinnamon, rub it on your skin, wash it off, can actually help you get rid of acne. Cinnamon oil is also great for the skin so as to protect the skin from irritations, allergic reactions, skin rashes, and infections. It’s able to reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, and redness, in addition to being used to treat acne.

10. The tenth health benefit of cinnamon is it helps you to fight against various allergies. Cinnamon has been shown to be a great supporter in the fight against allergies, as it has the ability to reduce their uncomfortable symptoms. In addition, it’s effective in reducing the symptoms caused by asthma attacks.

11. This health beneifit of cinnamon is unknown to most of the people.  Many people use cinnamon for improving their energy levels. If you tend to have blood sugars that come up and down throughout the day, cinnamon helps with balancing insulin levels, which is very effective at helping out your hormones which in turn keeps your blood sugar stable and also helps something called Glucose Tolerance Factor, that's GTF, which is why it's powerful and beneficial for both diabetics and people who struggle with blood glucose issues which also can help with weight loss.

12. We know that cinnamon is beneficial at helping heal and cure candida. In fact, it is scientifically proven that Cinnamon helps your body to reduce the chance of urinary tract infections as well as coming down with Candidiasis and yeast infections in the body. The number one herb was Oregano. So again, mixing cinnamon and oregano together is great to eliminate candida.

One more thing I want to say about cinnamon is the cinnamon that you're consuming may not actually be cinnamon. It might be cassia.

Most of what you taste, smell and buy from markets today is cassia. It has a little bit more of a sharp tone to it and sharp taste. Cinnamon is a little bit more smooth and sweet than cassia. Ceylon cinnamon is the actual cinnamon benefits of which are discussed above. Ceylon cinnamon is better especially internally, and it doesn't have the side effects that cassia may have. Cassia doesn't really have major side effects unless you're doing it in large amounts. Ceylon really is the best cinnamon. Ceylon is spelled C-E-Y-L-O-N. Ceylon cinnamon. While buying cinnamon keep in mind that it should be Ceylon Cinnamon.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Here we are providing you a picture so that you should have no confusion regarding their difference, the which you will have to buy is present on the left side. At right side, it is cassia cinnamon.

Some ways to add cinnamon in your diet

Number one, add it to your breakfast. I tend to take a teaspoon and put it in there every single morning for breakfast. Also you can add cinnamon when you are making a homemade dessert. You can also add cinnamon in chicken etc.The main point is that it  should be present in your diet.


Incorporate more cinnamon in your diet. It's great for your skin. It's great for your immune system. It's great for blood sugar. It's great for the Microbial or the Probiotic balance in your body. Cinnamon has tremendous health benefits. You need more of this. Hey, if you want to learn more about the top healing herbs in the world, stay tuned to our website and please let us know in the comment section below if you liked our article regarding Top 12 Benefits of Cinnamon.

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